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Introduction to OBCAI

As we all know, OBCAI is a cryptocurrency exchange. Before understanding the exchange, first understand how cryptocurrency operates? The operation of cryptocurrency is carried out through the blockchain, so we need to first understand the relationship between cryptocurrency and blockchain:

Cryptocurrency transactions and transfers occur through blockchain networks. Each cryptocurrency has its own blockchain, which records all transaction information. When a user initiates a cryptocurrency transaction, the transaction is added to a block in the blockchain and is then jointly verified and confirmed by the distributed network.

So what is blockchain:

Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger designed to facilitate transaction recording and asset tracking processes in business networks. Assets can be tangible (such as houses, cars, cash, land) or intangible (such as intellectual property, patents, copyrights, brands). Almost anything of value can be tracked and traded on a blockchain network, reducing risks and costs on all fronts.

Why blockchain is important:

Business operations depend on information. The faster information is received and the more accurate the content, the better it is for business operations. Blockchain is ideal for delivering this information because it provides instant, shared, and fully transparent information stored on an immutable ledger that can only be accessed by permissioned network members. Blockchain networks can track orders, payments, accounts, production and more. With a single trusted view shared among members, you gain end-to-end visibility into all details of a transaction, increasing confidence, increasing efficiency, and opening up new opportunities.

Why blockchain has higher trust:

By using blockchain technology, as a member of a membership-based network, you can be confident that you are receiving accurate, timely data and that your confidential blockchain records can only be shared with network members to whom you have specifically granted access.

Why blockchain has higher security:

All network members need to agree on data accuracy, and all verified transactions are permanently recorded and cannot be tampered with. No one can delete transactions, not even system administrators.

Why blockchain is more efficient:

By sharing a distributed ledger among network members, time is wasted in recording reconciliations. To speed up transactions, a series of automatically executed rules called "smart contracts" are stored on the blockchain.

It can be seen that cryptocurrency is currently the safest, most reliable, and most stable digital currency. From this, the OBCAI encrypted digital currency exchange was born!

What is OBCAI OTC?

It is well known that cryptocurrency exchanges mainly focus on two businesses, one is the practical application of storage and transfer, and the other is the transaction business of maintaining and increasing value. OBCAI OTC is a branch of OBCAI exchange that focuses on OTC business. It is a centralized exchange (CEX) that lists nearly 100 cryptocurrencies and more than 100 crypto derivatives contracts. It has more than 3 million registered users. Registration date: June 28, 2021, registration place: Louisville, United States. Currently, trading user data has successfully squeezed into the top 20 crypto derivatives exchanges in the world.

The platform provides the following products: spot, derivatives (USDT perpetual contract, USDC perpetual contract, inverse perpetual contract, futures, USDC options, leveraged tokens), NFT market, cryptocurrency and option purchases.

When was OBCAI OTC launched?

On May 8, 2023, OBCAI LLC obtained the MSB license from the Financial Supervisory Authority of the U.S. Department of the Treasury and announced global operations, officially embarking on a global development journey.

What currencies does OBCAI OTC support?

OBCAIOTC supports over 100 listed cryptocurrencies and over 300 spot transactions. These include many mainstream tokens, such as: BTC, ETH, BIT, SOL, APE, DYDX, LTC, DOGE, AVAX, MATIC, DOT, etc.

Is leverage or margin trading available on OBCAI OTC?

The exchange offers up to 100x leverage on crypto derivatives products. Products provided include BTC/USD, ETH/USD, XRP/USD, EOS/USD and a variety of perpetual contracts. Users can also use isolated margin and cross margin modes. In addition, customers can also use features such as inverse perpetual contracts, crypto futures, cryptocurrency options and leveraged tokens.

Featured OTC market trading methods.

The model is that OTC brokers act as intermediaries, and brokers complete transactions between buyers and sellers through matching, that is, traders can be long or short in the market. It can be seen that OTC trading is a very flexible trading method!

Introduction to Crypto

Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency secured by cryptography and does not exist in physical forms like U.S. Dollars or other fiat currencies. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) , Ethereum (ETH) and Polkadot (DOT) are supported by an underlying technology called blockchain, which acts as a decentralized digital ledger.

Every cryptocurrency transaction is recorded in the blockchain and becomes immutable once confirmed and validated. This means transactions can neither be reversed nor tampered with.

Unlike fiat currencies that rely on banks to maintain a centralized ledger inaccessible to the public, cryptocurrency transactions are on a public blockchain that can be tracked and monitored by anyone.

Additionally, depending on the consensus mechanism, anyone can validate transactions and add them to the blockchain, making cryptocurrencies decentralized.

Many believe that blockchain technology will shape the future of money, potentially rebuilding the global financial system from its foundations.

Moreover, institutional investment in cryptocurrencies is growing, a testament to the potential and future of digital currencies. Global world-leading companies like Samsung, BlackRock, Morgan Stanley, and Alphabet have invested in blockchain and crypto.

Trading cryptocurrencies allows you to enter the world of decentralized finance and participate in a frontier technology rapidly gaining popularity.

Users can buy popular cryptocurrencies like Tether (USDT) , Polygon (MATIC) Dogecoin (DOGE) and more through a range of payment methods, including Apple Pay, Visa, Mastercard, MoonPay, and bank transfer. You can also swap existing digital assets via OBCAI Convert without fees or price slippage or buy crypto directly from other sellers through the OBCAI P2P Trading market.

Certificate Of Company

Attachment: OBCAI Exchange US MSB License Map
